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Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Ramadhan 1435H


Happy ramadhan to all muslim. How's your ramadhan so far? Me? Good! Dah half pon the journey kan, pejam celik nak raya dah. Yeah I already heard Raya songs on the radio this morning. For this ramadhan, I agak excited for a few things. The menu and my diet. I'm not going to talk about ibadah all that here. Biarlah itu antara kita dengan Allah. 

Macam ramadhan yang lepas2, I agak peningla nak fikir makanan yang hendak dimasak. Tahun ni I dah sediakan menu ramadhan for the whole month. Hihi. Menu berbuka dan sahur. Alhamdulillah dah  2 minggu kita berpuasa, I found it sangat menyenangkan hidup. Takdelah bila nak masak, bahan takde kena pergi kedai. Now I know what is like to have a proper meal plan. So far I follow je menu yang I buat tu.  Adalah ubah sikit-sikit like if husband tak nak makan berat-berat or makan luar. Yang penting bahan-bahan untuk masak ada sebab bahan-bahan dibeli untuk stok seminggu. So weekend I akan pergi beli barang for next week punya meal. InsyaAllah takdelah bahan yang terbuang sebab dah tak elok untuk digunakan. Easy peasy.

I already change the fast food menu. Not healthy.

About my diet pulak, urghh I have a love-hate relationship with my diet. It's not easy to change your lifestyle. Ramadhan kali ni macam a new beginning again for me la. I try to eat proper and clean meal. Untuk sahur I just minum Herbalife shake. While berbuka for nasi I gantikan dengan brown rice and banyakkan sayur. First time I rasa brown rice. Not bad at all. Ramai orang kata rasa dia tak sedap. Tapi bagi I OK je. You should try. 

My kinds break fast meal

Actually memang betullah you can't change your lifestyle in one night. If you take a year to gain weight, expect a year to really shed the bad fat away. I dah start the journey since early this year tapi masih lagi makan makanan yang tak berkhasiat. But one thing for sure yang I notice, badan I dah adapt with some new eating habit. Macam dulu I kerap makan chocolate, now surprisingly I dah tak craving nak makan chocolate. My snacks pon dah berubah, more on nuts and cereal. So far I'm happy with the changes. Now I perlu bertarung with myself to keep consistent and not giving up. No not this time.

Oh I ada beli buku resepi from weighwatchers. It's a good cookbook. Every recipe ada state amount of calories. So you can control your food intake from there. Siapa kata makanan sihat tak sedap and boring? You just need the right ingredients and tools to cook it. 

May this ramadhan give you more barakah in life. To those whose still struggle to change yourself. Don't give up! Cheers to a new healthy lifestyle. 

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